Last updated: 3/18/2024
67mm and smaller – 2200lbs
Up to 73.9mm with non-extended tip – 2300lbs
Up to 73.9mm extended tip - 2400lbs
Non-billet wheel may deduct 100lbs
*67mm and smaller turbos with larger than 83mm turbine wheel will be subject to 73mm weight minimums.
150lb penalty for Nitrous with manual transmission (cars with any nitrous equipment ie. bottles, lines, nozzles, etc will incur penalty)
50lb penalty for Nitrous with automatic transmission (cars with any nitrous equipment ie. bottles, lines, nozzles, etc will incur penalty).
**We reserve the right to adjust the weights to ensure side-by-side competition to any platform.
Engine swaps (e.g., B-Series with B-Series) permitted; however, OEM engine mounting points must be utilized.
Engine swaps (e.g., B-Series to a K-Series) permitted provided engine swap kits are commercially available and approved in advance by OGS1320.
Engine must be from the same manufacturer as the body. Engine must be an overhead-cam, production-based design. Dart engine blocks permitted. Billet engine blocks are permitted.
Maximum two power adders. Redundant power adders, such as a dual stage nitrous system, will be counted as one power adder. Engine must be in stock, transverse configuration.
Dry sump oiling systems and external oil pumps are permitted.
Engine diaper or catch-pan device to capture oil and debris in event of engine failure mandatory. Where exhaust header passes directly under oil pan, two-piece diaper may be utilized. FWD vehicles using OEM manual-transmission case must also have such a device for the transmission, to capture oil and debris in event of transmission failure. If catch-pan device is used, catch pan must employ minimum 2-inch-high lips on all sides. Lips must be coved or curved inward, so as to contain oil in pan. Catch pan must cover entire area below engine/transmission. Catch pan must extend from radiator support to firewall and from frame rail to frame rail. In all cases, lips must be adequate enough to contain oil in the catch pan.
Should a competitor spill excessive oil from the catch pan and debris onto the track, he or she may be disqualified from further competition at the sole and absolute discretion of the event director until catch pan is upgraded, regardless of height of pan lips or pan design.
Not required.
SFWD racers MUST bring your own sealed cans of VP C85, VP M1, VP Import, VP C16, VP Q16 and Ignite RED 114 (E90) only. Fuel must be disclosed to tech officials at time of tech inspection and must be used for the entire weekend of event. No change of fuel will be allowed after the first round of qualifying and fuel may not be modified in anyway. Fuel cannot exceed .799 specific gravity. Fuel will be tested with a digital specific gravity meter. The use of additional additives is prohibited. The fuel must not be modified in any way (mixing of nitromethane is NOT allowed). You must use them the way they came from the fuel manufacturer. You will be disqualified from the race if you are caught using a fuel that is not approved or it is illegally altered in any way. We will be using a Digatron fuel tester to measure the dielectric levels of the fuel samples. Before competition, competitors must declare which fuel will be used during the event and must not deviate from it throughout the event.
Injection of any other fuel is prohibited (e.g., methanol and or water injection). See NHRA General Regulations 1:6. Only one fuel container (ex: fuel cell or fuel tank) permitted. No water, methanol or any other kind of injection permitted.
Fuel cells are permitted. Fuel cell may be in stock location or trunk area. Fuel cells mounted in the front of the vehicle are also permitted. NHRA guidelines MUST be followed. No other container, fuel cell, bottle, etc. may contain any type of fuel. Fuel sample valves are mandatory. All cars must be equipped with a drain valve located on return side of fuel rail to facilitate removal of fuel samples for fuel-check purposes. See NHRA General Regulations 1:5. Only one fuel container (ex: fuel cell or fuel tank) permitted. No water, methanol or any other kind of injection permitted. Maximum of 2 fuel injectors per cylinder. Mechanical fuel pumps permitted. Only two fuel lines per fuel rail permitted. One feed line and one return line.
See NHRA General Regulations 1:7.
Commercially available nitrous oxide permitted, including for supercharged and turbocharged engines. Nitrous bottle(s) in driver compartment must be equipped with a relief valve and vented outside of driver’s compartment. Bottle(s) must be stamped with a DOT-1800-pound rating and permanently mounted (no hose clamps or tie wraps). Hoses from bottle(s) to solenoid must be high-pressure steel-braided or NHRA-accepted hoses. Commercially available, thermostatically controlled, blanket-type warmer accepted. Any other external heating of bottle(s) prohibited.
Permitted. Restricted to a single turbocharger.
Turbocharger must utilize a turbine housing inlet flange commonly referred to as a T04. The turbine housing inlet flange may be smaller, but may never exceed the T04 dimensions in any direction. V-band turbine housings permitted, may not be larger than the overall size of a T04 flange.
Limited to a maximum 73mm turbo, where the maximum compressor housing inducer diameter is 73.9mm (67mm-67.9 maximum), measured at the point where the leading edge of the compressor wheel meets the housing. Compressor wheel inducer diameter not to exceed this value, and contours of wheel must not be “stepped, notched, or clipped”; e.g., the contours must be continuous features from the inducer to the wheel exducer.
Exducer limited to 102mm for billet wheels, 105mm for cast wheels. 67mm and smaller turbos limited to 94mm maximum exducer. To further clarify the maximum exducer wheel size applies to the entire size of the wheel. No part of the wheel may be larger than the exducer limits specified. Exotic material wheels prohibited. Modified turbo housing is not allowed.
Vehicle is required to have a front-mounted intercooler. Intercooler must be an air-to-air style only. Intercooler core must be front mounted and vertically mounted unless vehicles comes from its manufacturer with an intercooler mounted in different OEM position. Air-to-air intercooler must be functional to where the air enters the front of the intercooler core at the vehicles front bumper and exits out the back of the intercooler core. The exposed surface areas of both the front and back of the intercooler core must be equal. Bypassing of the intercooler core to direct air from the turbocharger to the engine is prohibited. Hollowing or boring of the intercooler to direct air from the turbocharger to the engine is also prohibited. Liquid-to-air style intercoolers prohibited, unless vehicle comes from its manufacturer with an OEM liquid-to-air intercooler.
All cars using a clutch and running quicker than 11.49 or faster than 135 mph must be equipped with a flywheel shield made of 1/4-inch-minimum-thickness steel plate. Shield must surround the bellhousing completely except for area of flywheel shield adjacent to differential and axle shaft. Shield may be multi-piece with pieces bolted together using minimum 3/8-inch-diameter Grade 5 or M10 class 8.8 bolts; may be attached to engine and/or bellhousing.
In lieu of shield, a blanket meeting SFI Spec 4.1, completely surrounding the bellhousing, is permitted. See NHRA General Regulations 2:5, 2:6, 2:9
All cars using an automatic transmission and running quicker than 10.99 or faster than 135 mph must be equipped with a transmission shield meeting SFI Spec 4.1, a flexplate shield labeled as meeting SFI Spec 30.1, and a flexplate labeled as meeting SFI Spec 29.1. Transmission must be OEM for engine used. Non-OEM or aftermarket transmission prohibited. Transmission brake prohibited.
Sequential transmissions are permitted. A 50lb weight penalty will incur with the use of a sequential transmission. Each individual shift must be a function of the driver and controlled manually. DRIVE MUST PULL THE LEVER. Automated, timer-type, pneumatic, electric, electronic, hydraulic, etc. shifting mechanism prohibited.
Four-wheel hydraulic brakes mandatory. Carbon fiber brake rotors prohibited. See NHRA General Regulations 3:1.
Must retain full, original OEM steering gear. See NHRA General Regulations 3:3.
Upper mounting point for strut assemblies must be in the factory location. Adjustable caster/camber pillowball mounts are permitted. Lower control arm may be strengthened provided factory mounting points to chassis are maintained. Lower mounting point for strut assembly may be modified for improved caster or camber. Strut tower braces, lower tie bars, sway bars, and limit straps are permitted. Traction bars/devices permitted; must be bolt on ONLY. Final decision rests with OGS Technical staff.
Aftermarket lower control arms, strut tower braces, lower tie bars, sway bars, and limit straps are permitted. Rear suspension must maintain minimum shock travel of 1 inch. All rear suspensions must use at least one working shock absorber per wheel. Suspension modifications limited to bolt-on items only. All OEM suspension mounts/attachment points must be utilized. Spindle mounts prohibited.
Permitted. See NHRA General Regulations 4:2.
Permitted. May not extend more than 45″ passed the centerline of the front wheel.
OEM chassis, with complete OEM floorpan and firewall, mandatory. Wheel tubs, back-half conversions, tube chassis, etc.prohibited. Must retain FWD configuration; rear-drive conversions prohibited. Engine must be located in OEM location for body used. Roll bar mandatory in any car running 11.49 or quicker; roll cage mandatory in any car running 9.99 or quicker or 135 mph or faster. Roll cage in cars running 9.99 or quicker must be inspected every three years by NHRA and have serialized sticker affixed to roll cage before participation. See NHRA General Regulations 4:10, 4:11, 10:6.
Any vehicle that runs an ET quicker than 8.50 and/or a mile per hour faster than 180MPH during qualifying/competition, without the proper NHRA chassis certification, will be immediately disqualified. Furthermore, the vehicle will not be eligible for competition at OGS1320 events until the proper chassis updates are made and the chassis certified by the NHRA.
Minimum 3 inches from front of car to 12 inches behind centerline of front axle, 2 inches for remainder of car (except for exhaust more than 12 inches behind centerline of front axle).
Mandatory on any car running 150 mph or faster. See NHRA General Regulations 4:8.
Must retain original wheelbase for body used, plus or minus 1 inch. Maximum wheelbase variation from left to right is 1 inch.
DOT or racing slicks permitted with a maximum width of 9.5 inches and maximum height of 25.0 inches. Retreads, space-saver spares, or any other non-DOT-approved tire prohibited.
Must be automotive-type wheels suitable for street or racing use. Minimum wheel size 13 inches unless originally equipped with studs must be threaded into hex portion of lug nut a distance at least equal to the diameter of the stud. Spindle mounts prohibited.
See NHRA General Regulations 5:2
OEM dashboard or OEM appearing dashboards allowed .Carbon fiber and fiberglass dashboards are permitted. Must appear like a dashboard. No flat plates. OEM or aftermarket door panels are mandatory. Passenger side seat and rear seats may be removed. Aftermarket seats permitted, but must be fully upholstered. Carpet optional.
Pickup and SUV bodies prohibited. Mild customizing and body kits permitted, but must retain full-bodied appearance, with minimum two functional doors. Chopped roofs prohibited. Hood scoops or openings permitted. Lightweight body panels limited to hood, fenders, and deck lid. Carbon fiber roofs are allowed. Lightweight doors made of fiberglass or carbon fiber permitted, but the lightweight door must be an OEM style or replica. Fully gutted stock doors are OK. Doors must open and close from inside and outside.
Aftermarket body kits permitted, but full street-legal appearance must be maintained. At least 50% of the air-to-air intercooler must be exposed with no obstruction of any kind. The cut out of the bumper must maintain the shape of the stock/OE opening (cannot be a circle or triangle) to keep the spirit of the class. The opening in the front bumper must be at least 40% of the front surface. JoJo/CFT/Exospeed 3-piece front ends allowed. One-piece aftermarket front ends are prohibited.
See NHRA General Regulations 7:2.
Complete OEM firewall mandatory. Firewall may not be moved from its OEM location. Mini-tubbing is prohibited.
OEM floor pan front to back, including spare tire well, is mandatory.
Complete headlight and taillight assemblies (all) mandatory; must be operative. One headlight may be removed for intake ducting.
Windshield must be OEM safety glass. All other windows are allowed to be Lexan. All Lexan windows must resemble and appear as OEM windows. (Final acceptance of Lexan window will be decided solely by the OGS Tech Staff). If Lexan windows are being used on driver’s side and passenger side doors, a window latching mechanism may be utilized.
Batteries must be securely mounted; may not be located in driver compartment unless sealed off per General Regulations. See NHRA General Regulations 8:1.
Two steps, rev limiters, etc. permitted. See NHRA General Regulations 8:1, 8:3, 8:4, 8:5.
Mandatory on any car running 9.99 or quicker, or 135 mph or faster, or on any car where battery is relocated to trunk area of vehicle. See NHRA General Regulations 8:4.
Permitted. See NHRA General Regulations 9:2.
Permitted; must be securely mounted. See NHRA General Regulations 9:3.
Permitted. Vehicles must get to scales under own its own power. If vehicle is disabled and cannot get to the scales under its own power, the vehicles crew member(s) must stop at the scales first to notify the tech officials. A tech official will then escort the crew member(s) in the retrieval of the vehicle.
See NHRA General Regulations 9:4, 9:12.
All competitors must have competition number and membership number.
Valid NHRA competition license mandatory for driver of any vehicle running 9.99 or quicker.
All drivers running 10.00 seconds or slower must have a valid state- or government-issued driver’s license beyond a learner’s-permit level or valid NHRA competition license. See NHRA General Regulations 10:4.
Three-inch-wide driver restraint system labeled as meeting SFI Spec 16.1 mandatory in any car required to have a roll bar or roll cage. System includes crotch strap and must be updated at two year intervals from date of manufacture.
All other cars, OEM restraint system mandatory. See General Regulations 10:5, 10:11.
See NHRA General Regulations 10:7.
Mandatory on driver of any car running 9.99 seconds or quicker or 135 mph or faster. An SFI 3.3 head sock or SFI 3.3 skirted helmet is required where a neck collar is required but has been substituted with a head and neck restraint system/device. A neck collar may be substituted for a head sock when using a head and neck restraint system/device.
9.99 to 7.50 or any car exceeding 135 mph:
Jacket and pants meeting SFI Spec 3.2A/5 and gloves meeting SFI Spec 3.3/1 mandatory.
Ethanol fuel safety requirement as follows: Suit meeting SFI Specs 3.2A/15, gloves and boots meeting SFI Spec 3.3/5 mandatory.
All others, see NHRA General Regulations10:10
Final call and rule interpretation will always be decided by tech officials. All racers who participate at OGS1320 events are agreeing to obey tech official decisions.
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